Monday, December 12, 2005

Here are some pics

of the tin album. It is a winter theme, and the snowflake was already on the top of the tin. I made a little money on the advent calendar for Crystal's new camera fund, so I might try to sell this too.

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I know the photos are pretty small, but hopefully you can get the idea.

A Little Something

Well I am happy to say that my house is mostly clean, and I have been able to work on a little project some the last few days. I finished it this morning while my house was being trashed by the little fellow again. It's amazing how much damage he can do in a short time!

I made an altered tin album from a gift card tin I picked up at WM and left over pp from last year that I got at WM. My sister picked it up for something I can't really remember, and then we didn't really use it. In the end this album was soooo cheap. Hmmmm...It looks like WM should pay me to help them push their scrap stuff.

Anyway, I need to fix some photos to post. I'll try to get those up here soon. I'm so happy to be on my way to being on a real schedule! That's a good thing since there are some call deadlines approaching, and I have to finish some knitting stuff before Saturday! We'll see how long it lasts.

Friday, December 02, 2005


Whatever you call it, I need it. Things always seem to get incredibly crazy this time of year. I am almost done--yes I said done--with gifts. Even though I have that part under control, I feel like I'm spinning my wheels.

I think there are several factors that are contributing to the craziness. I just started volunteering one day a week, and that has tossed our general schedule up a bit. Since all of our family is out of town, the holidays mean either visitors or trips. That means either less time at home to get regular things done or more time spent trying to make things presentable for guests. Add to all this the fact that holidays are busy times for churches, and as a pastor you don't really get to skip church functions--not usually for visiting family or for the sake of sanity.

Anyway, I am determined. I WILL make a schedule. I WILL purge toys before Christmas. I WILL get all gifts out of the way ASAP. I WILL find my desk again (This could be the most difficult of tasks.) I WILL make time to record some of the holiday memories we are making.

Alright, here is the part of my rambling where I plead for any of you out there in cyber space to share how you stay sane and still get in some scrapping and creating. LMK what works for you. I have to keep some things going or this blog wil be dead soon.

~ C ~