Friday, August 17, 2007


I really am taking a break, but I couldn't resist posting about how I got this table for $40. I have been keeping my eyes out for something either to use as a new craft table or a desk for my husband since he wants to have a place to work at home. And I just happened to see a post about how people were getting these discontinued tables for waaaay cheap. And I just happen to love this table, and so I called the store here to see if they had any.

The guy looked it up and saw that it was discontinued, but he went to check and said they had the floor model left for $40. I am glad I called first because we don't have a vehicle large enough to get it in, and I had to send my husband and one of his friends after it. When they got there it still had a $179.99 price tag on it, and the people didn't really believe them. I think finally they found whoever told me it was $40 this morning, and so we got it. And now I have a dining table sitting in my den. Ha! We have to decide how we're going to rearrange. It will be some motivation to clean out for our yard sale, though, so that's good. But now I have even more stuff to do, so I'm off.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I now interrupt this blogging break... post a digital layout. I can't find my table, and my paper is under a pile somewhere, so I decided to do a digital layout. I have been avoiding this for a while, but it's oh so convenient!

The kit is from 2 Peas by Rhonna Farrer, and I made the title work using the green paper as a base.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Taking a Break

I just wanted to pop in to let everyone know I will be taking a little blogging break. We're trying to get everything organized for the fall, and there is just so much going on. I hope I'll be back before you know it with project photos and goodies. It will just help me not to have blogging ideas and plans rolling around in my head. There's only so much space in there, you know!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

At last...

...I am beginning to find some semblance of organization. Things get crazy when you have your hand in too many cookie jars. Is that a real expression? I think I may have made it up. Anyway, I do have a lot of different things going on, and it has become overwhelming for me the last few weeks--trying to keep up with all the crafting and posting and preparations for various projects and events. I have been thinking that, if it's overwhelming to my when I sort of know what is going on, then it must really be overwhelming to everyone else.

So I've been brainstorming. I've been working over the last few days to try to streamline a few things. Most importantly, where you can find my stuff. The first step was to create another blog that will be my main site for all of my shops and events. On this site, so far, there are sections for each of the types of products I offer and links from those sections to the shops where you can find them.

There are also links to other things such as this blog (for the fun stuff, of course) and to a networking group where everyone can find other handmade card sellers. This site will be a place where I can post shop and product updates, special promotions, and any other information I need to get out about my shops.

I've also been working on redesigning a logo and coordinating banners for all of my shops so that there will be a cohesive look and identity. Now I just need to have new business cards and a stamp made up, and Crystal Nale Designs will be fully coordinated.

Please do take a look around, and let me know if there is a glitch or something I may not have thought about. I'm trying to make things as easy as possible without jumping in an designing a whole new web site of my own.

And...the best part is that I can begin cleaning up this blog a bit. I am afraid my sidebar was getting a bit overwhelming.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Gone Postal

I should have sent them out before we left on vacation, but somehow that didn't happen. So...all but one of the prizes went into the mail Monday along with a card order. I'm still trying to get an address the I must have deleted by accident. Don't you love the mistakes we make when our inboxes are slammed (insert eye roll).

We had a good time in the mountains on our vacation. It was nice and a bit cooler there than here--plus there was the pool. I thought I would share a photo from one of our drives through Cade's Cove.

Also, I am officially registering for a local craft gala at the end of October. Most of the shows around here are outside, and I don't have the setup for that type of thing yet. This particular one benefits Newspapers in Education and there is a fee to get in. It is usually in early December, so it puts me on a tighter schedule than I expected. That is probably a good thing since I thrive on close deadlines. (That also means I'm a procrastinator.)

I've been ordering some supplies to finish up some ideas I've had rolling around. Of course, this also means I have to actually narrow down what I will take and decide on the best way to market some items. I will be sharing 2 tables with my sister since she's more into the sewing part of things than I have been able to get. I still have a love/hate relationship with my sewing machine!

And, I have finally posted something new in my shop.

I've been in the midst of planning and scheduling for our adventure in homeschooling this fall, so there hasn't been much opportunity to just get some creating done. I'm looking forward to having an opportunity for that soon.