Thursday, July 27, 2006

It's almost that time...

Ahhh... the stores are putting out their fall selections and the aisles at your local store are filling up with school supplies. I love this time of year. Well really I love the time when the temps actually start to drop. It makes me want to get out the big ol' needles again for some different crafting options.

On that note, I'm taking my time working on items to stock my shop. I had a shop all set up and everything, but then I changed my mind about some of the things I want to include in the shop. I was going with Crystal Nale Designs because it was simple and straightforward, but now since I'll be including some items that aren't my original designs I don't feel right using that as a name. Soooooo now I'm on a quest to find a cute, versatile name for my handcrafted gift boutique. So far I'm working on things like canvas wall hangings (like for a nursery or child's room), handmade aprons, knitted baby items, specialty memo boards, possibly purses and jewelry, and similar items. I'm thinking something boutique-like. I'm starting a list and getting a little scrappy RAK together for anyone who might provide just the right inspiration.

Speaking of this venture and the approach of knitting weather...I am loving the cuteness of the designs in this book, and it's even in at the local library. I have checked out some of her pattern books before, and I am thinking some of these type goodies will be great for my shop. What do ya think?


~~~Francy~~~ said...

Crystal's Boutique

Crystals Creations

Crystals Handcrafted Creations

Sew Knit Boutique (kinda like so neat?)

Francine said...

The Crystal Ball

Clearly Crystal

Home, Made by Crystal

That's all I can come up with. :)

Francine said...

oh and good luck with the store!!!