Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Good Stuff

Most of my impulse buying has been online of late since we don't really have any super great stores near us. Although, I did have to resist some yarn that wanted to come home with me at Michael's last night.

It was nice to be able to catch a glimpse of some things in real life. I hate to ever hear that a scrapbook store is going out of business, but I am still more than willing to help them find a new home for anything that might jump out at me. Not to mention the fact that I had a GC for Archiver's that was begging to be used. Anyway, I was restrained--probably because I got like 4 phone calls while I was shopping. I did walk away with some fun new goodies from the two stores. Now if I had been driving a truck, you can bet I would have come home with a table or two from the LSS crop room. Maybe I can find some inspiration in this pile. I mean I have to get on the ball before all the new goodies start hitting the shelves!

1 comment:

Sue said...

YUMMM! Look at all those goodies! Have fun creating! :o)